Being "saved" - Salvation
Why do I need to be saved?Salvation
What must I do to be saved?Old Testament
New Testament
Tribulation Saints
Messiah's (Christ's) Work on the Cross
What did Yeshua (Jesus) do for you on the Cross?Baptism
Who, what, when, how?God - The Trinity
There is one God, Father, Son and Holy SpiritThe Attributes of God.
The Rapture
The Rapture of the Universal Church is imminent. All believers are taken from Earth to Heaven before the Tribulation begins.While considered a basic truth here, it is acknowledged this doctrine is controversial. It will therefore be dealt with under "Controversies."
The Tribulation
Seven Years of Judgement on the Earth for failing to accept Messiah (Christ)While considered a basic truth here, it is acknowledged this doctrine is controversial. It will therefore be dealt with under "Controversies."
Salvation - During the Tribulation
The Tribulation Saints - The condition of salvation during the TribulationWhile considered a basic truth here, it is acknowledged this doctrine is controversial. It will therefore be dealt with under "Controversies."
The Second Coming
Messiah's (Christ's) reign on EarthPrerequisites of the Second Coming
The Sign of Messiah's (Christ's) Second Coming (The Olivet Discourse) While considered a basic truth here, it is acknowledged this doctrine is controversial. It will therefore be dealt with under "Controversies."
The Millenial Kingdom
Christ's reign on earthWhile considered a basic truth here, it is acknowledged this doctrine is controversial. It will therefore be dealt with under "Controversies."
The Bible
How should we view the Scriptures?Why is the Church losing it's young people?
The Roots of the Christian Faith
Where did our faith come from?Understanding the Times
Understanding the Seven Churches of RevelationThe Trinity, The Duality of Christ's Nature,
and the Dangers of Departing from Christian Orthodoxy
A Study of the God-head, and the practical consequences of heresy for the believer.
Separation of Church and State - A Christians Place in Politics
What place does a Christian have in politics? Should religion and politics mix? This article looks into this question.Evolution vs Genisis 1:1-11
Is evolution compatable with the Christian faith?Evolution is not affirmed as being compatable with the Christian faith.
This is acknowledged as controversial. It will therefore be dealt with under "Controversies."