Set down here is our position on a number of controversies. It is important to highlight three points.
- We believe the following to be the correct position. This position has been arrived at by allowing the Biblical text to be interpreted using the normative, or historical-grammatical, interpretive method. This method allows the text of the Bible to speak for itself, and the common/plain meaning is given to common/plain words.
- The reader should be aware that these positions are in many cases in direct conflict with those of other interpretive methods. We set forth only our position here. The reader should arrive at his own conclusions about its truthfulness based on his own research.
- Finally, the Evolutionary controversy. The position taken here is not in conflict with Science. It is in conflict with "Evolutionary Science". The position is however supported by good scientific evidence. In the article which is linked below the Biblical and theological rationale is presented. The site which is referenced via this link is filled with scholarly research on the scientific evidence for Biblical Creation. We thank the team at for their efforts in this area, which has provided a solid apologetic for Genesis 1:1-11 backed by solid scientifc research.
Evolution vs Genesis 1:1-11
Is evolution compatible with the Christian faith?
This article covers all the bases, and explains well why it is important to accept Genesis 1:1-11 as it is written...
Why did Jesus Die?
by Roger Birch
Three crosses of Golgotha see at
Published: 6 April 2010
In my article “An Evangelical ‘Litmus Test’” I talked about the watering down of the term “evangelical”. The “litmus test” I suggested as a mark of a true evangelical was an acceptance of a straight reading of Genesis 1–11 since an attack on Genesis 1–11 is basically an attack on the authority of the Bible, and hence God. more...
The Rapture
The Bride taken to be Wed
The Church is taken out of the world before the world is judged by God for not accepting the Messiah (Christ). She (the Church) is judged and rewarded and then is eternally coupled with her groom.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 describes the event of the Rapture. The Rapture can occur anytime, there are no conditions that need to be met before it can occur. It must occur before the Tribulation, which starts when Israel signs the seven year peace treaty with the Anti-Christ.
The reason that the Rapture will occur before the tribulation is that the purpose of the Tribulation is to judge the world for not accepting Christ. Obviously the Church has accepted Christ, and therefore is not subject to judgement.
This topic is dealt with comprehensively here by Dr Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum: The Rapture of the Church
The Tribulation
Three and half years of Israel enjoying peace followed by three and a half years of war.
Seven Years of Judgement
The Tribulation begins with the signing of a seven year peace treaty between Israel and the Anti-Christ. The world experiences a period of mass conversion to the faith during this time.
Salvation - During the Tribulation
The Jews carry the Gospel around the world - a world wide revival occurs.
The Tribulation Saints
We utterly reject this theology.
No Tribulation, No Rapture, All or Most Prophecy fulfilled in AD 70- Full Preterism believes all prophecy has already been fulfilled
- Partial Preterism believes most prophecy has already been fulfilled
- Believes that the real enemies of God are the Jews.
- Believes that the Tribulation and Christ's second coming were fulfilled in 70 A.D.
- Believes the prophecies of Revelation were fulfilled in 70 AD, even though the book of Revelation was written in or around 90 AD.
- Dispossess the Jews of their prophetic heritage and right to a nation.
- Provides philosophical and religious support for anti-Semitism
Understanding the Times
Where are we in world history today? The Millennial Kingdom
Prerequisites of the Second Coming
Messiah's (Christ's) reign on Earth
After a 75 day interval after the end of the Tribulation, Christ's Kingdom is established upon the earth and He rules from Jerusalem.
A quick look at the seven churches of revelation.