Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Prerequisites for the Second Coming of Messiah

For a full discussion of this topic see Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum's manuscript The Basis of the Second Coming of the Messiah.

There is much that has been said about when Yeshua (Jesus) will return to earth. A form of heresy has arisen which suggests that Messiah (Christ) cannot return to the Earth until we (the church) establish his kingdom.

This heresy is nothing new. The last attempt made by mankind to establish such a kingdom did not end well. Many times the church has erroneously concluded it should be in charge of the world. Each time it has enacted such beliefs the fruits have been totalitarian oppression and persecution. The church has no biblical mandate to rule the earth. Messiah (Christ) alone has this mandate, and He will do this upon his return. At this time the Bride of Messiah (Christ) will have become the Wife of Messiah, and will aid His rule under His authority.

Believers everywhere should be concerned that a human organisation now wishes to establish a thousand year kingdom by their own efforts. This organisation presents itself as a Christian church, or slowly entrenches its members in established congregations by stealth, and then gradually takes over. Essentially Gnostic in its philosophy this movement may well be reaching the pinnacle of the apostasy that is to be revealed.

There is but one prerequisite for the Second Coming of Messiah. To quote Dr Fruchtenbaum; ...Israel must confess her national sin; secondly, Israel must then plead for Messiah to return...2

    Leviticus 26:40-42 Jeremiah 3: 11-18 Zechariah 12:10 Hosea 5:15 Matthew 23:37-39

  1. Chuck Missler,The Jude Commentary The Terrible Danger of Dominion Theology
  2. Dr Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, The Basis of the Second Coming of the Messiah
  3. , pp 11-19