Thursday, January 27, 2011

Theonomy or Antinomianism?
The Law of Moses and The Law of Messiah

Theonomy is the attempt to, or belief that we should, re-establish the Law of Moses as the rule of law. Antinominanism is the belief that there are no rules or laws we should or need to adhere to. Both views are incorrect.

The Law of Moses, is not longer in effect. This is the result of Messiah's (Christ's) work on the cross. The Law of Moses has been disannulled. (Rom 10:12, Gal 2:16) Scripture is clear that we no longer are under the law. So what then do we say, are we under no rule or law of life. Certainly not. We are under a new law.

This new law is called the Law of Christ and the law of the Spirit of life. (Gal 6:2, Rom 8:2)1 Dr Fruchtenbaum says this:

    The believer is free from the Law of Moses, but he is also free to keep parts of it. Thus if a Jewish believer feels the need to refrain from eating pork, he is free to do so. The same is true for all the other commandments.2

Keeping the commandments does not in any way contribute to the spiritual status of the believer. Others should not be expected to follow suit either. The principle here is freedom, which is why Yeshua (Jesus) came. To set us free.


  1. Dr Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, The Law of Moses and the Law of Messiah, pp 8
  2. Ibid, pp 13