Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Roots of the Nazi Legal System

This article from covers the full gambit of why it is so important to know what you believe and why you believe it. The contents of this article show clearly the reasons why "Normative" is so passionate about right doctrine, and why we oppose the current raft of nonsense being spouted from the pulpit of a number of local churches. Please read it!!

In the light of the escalation of violence against Jews world wide including the murder of the Fogel family in Israel this understanding is becoming more and more important.

    ‘The leaders of the [German Christian] movement, Pastors Julius Leutheuser, Joachim Hossenfelder and Siegfried Leffler, strove to convince their fellow clergy that only a completely new interpretation of Christianity … could meet the needs of the new age. They sought to rid the Church of its ‘pre-scientific’ mentality and its archaic liturgies, and to substitute a new revelation as found in Adolf Hitler. The essential was not Christian orthodoxy but Christian activism that would follow the example of the ‘heroic’ Jesus … In the new creation of the Nazi Party, they saw a vehicle for their programme that offered fellowship which they believe to be characteristic of true Christianity. If Hitler could perform what they called Christian deeds, then orthodoxy could be abandoned.’

The full article is here: Darwinian Roots of Nazi Legal System

    Augusto Zimmermann, Darwinian Roots of Nazi Legal System, downloaded from 16 March 2011.